Braunvieh Bulls For Sale Private Treaty (806) 930-2560 or (806) 930-2565
Braunvieh Bulls For Sale Private Treaty (806) 930-2560 or (806) 930-2565
We hope you enjoy our past news and history. Our cattle and cattle friends continue to make lots of memories with us on the cattle trail, showing and exhibiting the Braunvieh Breed. Thank you to all that helped make history happen at J Bar Braunvieh.
Thanks to all the kids for their help pulling J Bar Cattle.
Thank you to all the Braunvieh participants for a top notch show in Denver this year.
Kasey Hinton and Clydene Pittman
Coy Pittman win's Reserve Champion Showman in Junior Show. Congratulations Pittman Family.
She was Reserve Grand Champion at 2019 National Western Stock Show. Breeder Circle C Ranch, Tom Cefalu.
CEF Miss 626
Colt Pittman and JBB Greta 9404G ( aka Fluffy)
Amarillo Tri-State Fair Reserve Grand Champion Braunvieh heifer. Good job Colt.
J Bar Brauvieh breeders best 4 head. We're little but we're getting fiercer.
It was a pretty good weekend. They didn't all win a blue ribbon,but all the heifers acted good for the kids and for some heifers and a one kid it was their first show ever.It was a win for everybody.
Another great day at Clarendon College. Many thanks to Brett Franks for the use of the college arena, Johnny Treichel for his guidance and enthusiasm for putting this all together, Tom, Cindy and Scott Cefalu for the outstanding Jambalya, Ralph Mote for assisting, Jimi Vivens for cooking burgers. Carole and Leon Ward and Shirley Hall for setting up the kitchen and making sure all was in place. Cody and Clydene Pittman for being ready willing and able to fill in anywhere and everywhere they were needed. Donnie Johnson for getting all of the awards together and bringing them and Randy and Julie Heisterman for helping to set up and tear down and causing a giggle or two. Cyntha Ewing for taking care of registration and scoring scantron cards. And most of all Thank you to all those judging coaches that took the time and effort to bring your students to participate. We would like to thank the following people and businesses for helping us put on the 5th annual Beef Clinic yesterday. We had 126 kids from 4 different states, kids ranged from 8 years old to sophomores in college. (Some kids traveled over 700 miles to get here)
Clarendon College Johnny Treichel Cynthia Ewing Circle C Braunvieh Scott Cefalou Family Johnson Cattle Company Mill Iron P Cattle Company Shirley Hall J&W Lumber in Clarendon Randy & Julie Hiesterman Hiesterman Farms Jimi Bivens Leon & Carole Ward. ~ John & Loretta Hall
Texas had the top 3 placing heifers in the National Fullblood Cup, and were all bred by our Partners, Texas breeder Tom & Cindy Cefalu of Circle C Braunvieh. Congratulations to Samantha, Wrangler, and Coy! More information about the Fullblood Breeder Cup can be found here
CEF Mis 626 sired by TLC Vigor (Silverwood Dragon x TLC Anna F6496 ET) was chosen Grand Champion Purebred Pair at the Texas Braunvieh Association Junior Show in May 2019 for Kassie Hinton. She was also the Grand Champion Purebred at the Ft Worth Stock Show 2019. Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Heifer at Denver Stock Show 2019. Breeder Tom and Cindy Cefalu Circle C Braunvieh of Texas.
Clarendon College Judging Contest March 2019. We brought pen of bulls for evaluation!
Thursday, October 17, 2019 - The Gala - Elite Braunvieh & Simbrah Futurity Sale - TX Location: Bellevue, TX Sale End Time: 8:00 PM CENTRAL
Get your account set up to bid online by going to the following link
Thank you to Brandon Horn at Horn Livestock Anson, Texas for his purchase of Lot 4 and Thank you to Robert Clayton Conway of Canton Texas for his purchase of Lot 10!
Sire: JBB Wizards Denali 655D
Dam: BLC Carefree 384D
DOB: 2/21/2019
Sex: Heifer
Breed: PB Braunvieh
Purchase Price: $2,600
Total Bids: 23 bids
High Bidder: 35196
Sire: Mr. CEF 24 ET
Dam: Miss CEF 57
DOB: 1/4/2019
Sex: Heifer
Breed: PB Braunvieh
Consignor: J-Bar - John & Loretta Hall 806-930-2560
Sold to Horn Livestock Anson, Texas
Purchase Price: $7,500
Total Bids: 36 bids
High Bidder: 96626
Sire: JBB Wizards Denali 655D
Dam: MISS RCB D622
DOB: 2/28/2019
Sex: Heifer
Breed: PB Braunvieh
Consignor: Jbar - John & Loretta Hall 806-930-2560
Purchase Price: $2,200
Total Bids: 17 bids
High Bidder: 86002
Sire: MHF Undaunted U820 ET
Dam: JBB Yanka 1481Y
DOB: 1/3/2019
Sex: Heifer
Breed: PB Braunvieh
Consignor: Jbar - John & Loretta Hall 806-930-2560
Sold to Robert Clayton Coway IV of Canton Texas
Purchase Price: $4,250
Total Bids: 24 bids
High Bidder: 91086
Check out this great video JBB FEISTY DOC 8532F Sold to Horn Livestock
Check out this great video JBB GRETCHEN 990G
Check out this great video JBB GAYLA 905G Sold to Robert Clayton Conway IV
Check out this great video JBB GENALLI 996G
J-Bar Braunvieh John & Loretta Hall
13675 FM 2471, Hedley, Texas 79237, United States
Copyright © 2025 J-Bar Braunvieh Hedley, Texas - All Rights Reserved.
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